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If you have a lot of debt and would like help, it is wise for you to contact the municipality in which you live. The municipality is obligated to help you and can take many worries off your hands. The municipality may also refer you to a debt relief organization.

You can find out how the municipality can help you on the Legal Advice Center website. Below you can also search for the municipality in which you live and contact it directly. Take action as soon as possible!


If you are unable to resolve your debts yourself, the court may assign you to protective custody. This means a trustee will take care of all your money matters, debts, tax matters and mail. The trustee may also sign you up with the Food Bank, for example. You usually receive a monthly summary of your financial situation from the trustee so that you know exactly where you stand.

Understanding your debts

If you contact the municipality or another debt relief agency, it is helpful that you have an understanding of all your debts. Schuldenwijzer was developed for this purpose. On Schuldenwijzer, you can use your DigiD to gain insight into your debts and share it with the municipality or debt counselor. This allows for faster and more efficient assistance in resolving your debts. The video below (0:47 seconds) shows how Schuldenwijzer works.

Debt relief

Besides the municipality can help you resolve your debts, there are of course things you can do yourself. We have listed some convenient online options for you. We hope you can take advantage of this.

fiKks is a free app. This allows you to work anonymously with your buddy to build a future without money worries. You begin by choosing a personal buddy. The app gives you an overview of your financial situation. Your buddy is there to answer all your questions.

This website was created for young people ages 16 to 26 with questions about money. She provides information on everything related to money within the topics of studying, working, health, leisure, living and saving money.

Not spending more than is in your account is quite a challenge. Geldfit helps you keep or get your money fit. On this website, you can take a test after which you will receive advice appropriate to your own financial situation.

Everything SchuldHulpMaatje does is aimed at providing you with help via the Internet and with trained volunteers, who can expertly help you in a personal way to a debt-free life.

Suicide Prevention

Are you suffering from suicidal thoughts or tendencies? For example, in response to your financial situation? In that case, please contact suicide prevention on 0800-0113. They will help you further.